TOURISM | 11:33 / 14.05.2016
3 min read

Khazarasp - one of the ancient cities of Uzbekistan

Historical cities of Uzbekistan, territory of which in ancient times the Great Silk Road passed, over many centuries were the centers of world civilization. The Baltic news agency BNS (Baltic News Service) devoted an article to the one of them.

It notes that the findings found in Khorezm city and it does not dry out. However, simultaneously a laborious process of conservation and restoration of monuments of ancient architecture. In particular, it is noted that one of the oldest cities in the region, Khazarasp will soon appear.

Scientists are now working on the preservation of the centuries-old monument to the history of the city-fortress, which is located in Khorezm. To promote the unique object of historical heritage travel company included it in their itineraries.

BNS notes that here began the creation of a tourist complex and landscaping the area. In particular, it is planned to construct bazaar, cafes, teahouses, artisans workshops. Developed and hiking route in the amphitheater, and the entire range of the walls of the fortress. Organized the exhibition "Khazarasp Kala" sculptures, which collected samples of archaeological finds and works of art of antiquity, opened an art gallery. To date, these objects have become the most visited by foreign guests.

"The findings discovered in the area led to the discovery the oldest layers of the city, which researchers attributed to the 5th - 4th centuries BC. The history of the city is conventionally divided into four periods from the 5th century BC to 8th century AD, the Latvian news agency continues.

In the years of independence, the available data was systematized and initiated stratigraphic studies. As a result, in 1996 and 1997, the remains of architectural structures mud brick square belonging to the 5th century BC, were found.

Summarizing, BNS emphasizes that the historical data Khazarasp was one of the largest cities in the region and was second only to Khiva.
