TECH | 10:44 / 17.09.2016
3 min read

Huawei becomes sponsor of ICTSUMMIT and ICTEXPO 2016

Image: Huawei

This year, Huawei will be a sponsor and co-organizer of ICTSUMMIT 2016, which kicks off on 20 September within the Week of information and communication technologies ICTWEEK 2016 at the International business center.

The main goal of the summit is to acquaint the public with the novelties of the market of information communications, to develop the theme of broadband access technologies, to share the experience of international experts in the ICT industry.

- Having more than 16 years of experience behind in working in Uzbekistan, Huawei contributes to the development of telecommunication and information technologies in the country. Today, in the market of Uzbekistan, our company is with efficient and high-quality base stations for mobile operators, smartphones of a new generation, which contribute to the development of the Internet industry. We keep up with the times, because without building the market, it is impossible to rise to the level of the top company. Therefore, as a sponsor of this event, the company urges all market participants to contribute with new ideas, investment projects and innovative technologies, to make Uzbekistan a country of high-tech solutions, - Mr. Wang Peng, CEO of Huawei in Uzbekistan commented on the event.

Huawei, being the most innovative brand of the year, except mobile and telecom technologies offers a number of systemic and administrative decisions for public institutions and companies for the effective management and high performance. One of such solution - project "Safe city", scheduled to be launched jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be important in ensuring maximum public awareness on complex development of security in the country.

Information about these and several other projects will be available for everyone at the exhibition ICTEXPO 2016, where, as we have already mentioned, Huawei is the main sponsor. It will be held from 20 to 23 September in the pavilions of the NEC "Uzkurgazmasavdo". Huawei will present to the visitors a number of new technological solutions, high-quality smartphones from the P and Мate series. It is expected that the implementation of new projects, to be presented at the exhibition will improve the exchange of information and effective resource management. Keep up with the news of Huawei.

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