SOCIETY | 11:54 / 29.09.2018
1 min read

Deputy khokim of Chust district caught taking bribe

Operational staff of the State Security Service arrested Deputy khokim (mayor) of Chust region on questions of agriculture and water management while taking bribe, the channel “Uzbekistan 24” reports.

A resident of Chust district, Namangan region, appealed to the deputy khokim (mayor) of the district for agricultural and water management issues with a request to allocate 5.3 hectares of land plot for the creation of a horticultural farm. In response, the deputy khokim (mayor) demanded $ 2,000.

He was caught when taking $ 1,800 in bribe.

Prosecutor's office of the region initiated a criminal case under Article 210 (bribery) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Investigative actions are underway.

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