Узбекистан | 18:06 / 10.10.2018
2 min read

President Islam Karimov’s son appeals to the Tversky court

Peter Karimov

Peter Karimov, President Islam Karimov’s son from his first marriage, appealed to the Tversky court in Moscow with a request to help him return his several months’ worth wage from his employers, the Russian “Izvestiya” reports.

Islam Karimov’s son held a top position for several years in the national airline company “Uzbekistan Airways”, before being dismissed from his post some time after his father’s death. It is said that he was not paid several moths’ wage.

Now Karimov Jr. is trying to recover his unpaid wages through the court. In the lawsuit, his claim is formulated as follows - "labor disputes about the recovery of unpaid wages.” No other details are revealed yet.

The first president of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov died on September 2, 2016, at the age of 79.

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