SOCIETY | 21:39 / 27.10.2018
2 min read

Uzbek farmer grows pumpkins weighing 20-25 kg (video, photo)

Alinazar Imomnazarov, the head of the “Saidnazar-Alinazar” multidisciplinary farm in the Yangiyul district, Tashkent region, has been successfully engaged in artificial breeding for many years.

He is especially experienced in breeding new pumpkin varieties. The weight of some pumpkins he grew reach as much as 20-25 kg, correspondent said.

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"The orchard occupies 8 hectares of land. The soil should be used rationally and wisely, so I plant various kinds of vegetables such as strawberries, cucumber and others between crop rows. My father, who started growing pumpkins in our land plot, taught me various tricks of agriculture. Getting big and tasty vegetables is difficult, I should admit. Factors, such as timely watering, presence of the sun and others are important for achieving decent results,” the farmer said.

His agricultural products, especially his famous weighty pumpkins, are sold in the markets of Yangiyul and the capital of Uzbekistan.

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