SOCIETY | 19:51 / 26.01.2019
3 min read

SSS officers in Fergana detained lawbreakers smuggling $3,5 million to Kyrgyzstan   

Within the framework of an operative event held by employees of the Ferghana Regional Department of the State Security Service, a “Nexia” car was suspected and stopped at the territory of the village “Novket” on the highway Fergana – Yuqori Vodil. 
According to the broadcast of the TV channel “Uzbekistan 24”, upon inspecting the car, it was found that there were hidden US dollars wrapped separately in 23 containers. 

Reportedly, these money belonged to the citizen A. M., who was sitting in the car. Owner of the “Nexia”, a resident of the village “Vodil” A. D. declared that for $50 he had driven A. M. to Kokand and brought the foreign currency. 
During the interrogations, it was identified that the citizen A. D. was also hiding US dollars in 24 packages at his house. In addition, the law enforcement officers detected that A. M. had received these currencies from U. Kh. in Kokand city and they detained him as well. 
The TV reportage says that total amount of the illegal money was 1 million 763 thousand US dollars. 
Another case: a resident of Fergana city, 56-year-old A. Yo. was also inspected. Upon checking his car, foreign currency wrapped in 35 containers were found. It turned out that he was attempting to smuggle 1 million 771 thousand 650 US dollars. 
As identified, a resident of Buvayda district N. J. transported these money from Tashkent to Fergana. A. Yo. was supposed to transfer them illegally to the Kyrgyz Republic. 
In the course of rapid operative events, a total of $3,364,650 were confiscated as per the legislation. Currently, Fergana Regional Department of the SSS has initiated criminal cases under relevant articles of the Criminal Code and investigative actions are underway. Necessary measures are being taken to identify the actual owners of these funds.

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