POLITICS | 19:52 / 19.02.2019
2 min read

Uzbekistan to replace taxpayer identification number with personal ID of an individual

The President of Uzbekistan signed a decree “On measures for comprehensive development of the national system of performing public services”.

This document approved a plan of measures to optimize public services, formation of electronic databases of information necessary for provision of public services, as well as integration of departmental information systems and databases into the “Electronic government” system.

According to the action plan, in Uzbekistan, a phased transition is expected from using a taxpayer identification number (TIN) to using a personal identification number of an individual (PINI).

PINI will consist of fourteen digits, the numbers will be integrated into the passports of citizens of Uzbekistan.

By November of this year, full implementation and completion of the work on linking the cadastral number of real estate objects to the TIN and PINI is expected. By the end of the year, the web service for providing information on the taxpayer by PINI will be launched.

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