POLITICS | 21:07 / 05.11.2019
3 min read

Measures taken to increase Internet speed in Uzbekistan announced

Photo: Fotolia

In Uzbekistan, in 2019, 10,000 kilometers of fiber-optic lines will be laid, and in 2020 - 20,000 kilometers of fiber-optic lines, a representative of the ICT Development Ministry said.

The Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov, taking part in the Moscow International Forum “Open Innovations – 2019”, spoke about the problem of providing digital opportunities to half of the population living in rural areas.  

At a press conference, held on November 4, Kun.uz correspondent asked what problems the PM had in mind and how they are being addressed.

According to the deputy head of the Ministry of ICT Development, Kakhramon Yuldashev, by the end of 2020, the share of users of digital infrastructure is expected to grow by an average of 65%. 

“Equipment based on broadband technology, which is equal to 786,000 ports, will be installed in the republic. This, of course, is not enough. To expand the digital infrastructure at places, and to implement additional projects, which is equal to 620,000 ports, by the end of the year, contracts were signed with well-known companies. Along with the implementation of these projects, additional fiber-optic lines will be built.

If we turn to the numbers, then instead of the planned 2,000 km of fiber optic lines in 2019, by the end of the year, the figure will be brought to 10,000 km. In 2020, we have planned to introduce fiber-optic lines in the amount 2 times higher than the current one - 20,000 km. Thus, we will bring the share of users of digital infrastructure to an average of 65%,” Kakhramon Yuldashev said.

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