SOCIETY | 16:30 / 06.11.2019
2 min read

Passport regime to visit Tashkent TV Tower abolished

Photo: KUN.UZ

The procedure for visiting the Tashkent TV Tower without presenting an ID is introduced.

According to the administration of the city of Tashkent, it is planned to cancel the obligatory presentation of a passport when visiting the city’s TV tower.

The TV Tower is the highest construction in the Central Asia. It has an overall height of 375 meters. Its construction began in 1979 and was completed in 1981. The unique project of the tower was created by architects D.J. Semashko, N.G. Terziev-Tzarukova, engineers E.P. Morozova, M.D. Musheeva. Its construction incorporates an ability to withstand Richter magnitude 9 earthquake. The lattice styled tower trunk is supported by three inclined slips, which ensure the building's steadiness and give an impression of lightness.

220 meters height of the tower is used for arranging of the most modern means of communication: satellite TV, cellular and paging communication. Tashkent TV Tower broadcasts 5 television, 4 radio broadcasting programs. Tashkent TV Tower has the highest meteorological station.

Tashkent’s TV Tower is an object of strategic importance. Therefore, visiting it was carried out upon presentation of a passport. Otherwise, one could admire the tower only from outside.

It is reported that abolition of the passport regime for visiting the tower will contribute to strengthening the flow of local and foreign tourists.

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