SOCIETY | 11:17 / 03.08.2020
2 min read

Unemployment rate in Uzbekistan reaches 13.2%

The unemployment rate among the economically active population of Uzbekistan in January-July 2020 amounted to 13.2%, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations said.

This figure in the same period in 2019 was 9.1%. The number of people in need of employment amounted to 1.9 million (the unemployment rate among young people aged 16 to 30 is 20.1%, among women – 17.4%).

According to preliminary data, the number of labor resources increased by 0.6% compared to the same period in 2019 and amounted to 19,084.6 thousand people, the number of people employed in sectors of the economy over the same period due to the negative impact of COVID-19 decreased by 5% (671 thousand people), amounting to 12,736.7 thousand people.

The number of the population employed in the official sector of the economy amounted to 5,581.2 thousand people, decreased by 0.2% (12.4 thousand people) compared to the same period last year.

According to the results of surveys, the number of citizens who left for work abroad amounted to 2,040 thousand people, which is 553.2 thousand less than the indicator for the same period last year, and by – 232 thousand people compared to the first quarter of 2020.

The number of people employed in the informal sector of the economy (excluding labor migrants working abroad) decreased by 2.1%, or by 105.3 thousand people, compared to last year, and amounted to 5,114.6 thousand people.

The number of the economically inactive population in the first half of the year increased by 4.5%.

From January to June 2020, labor authorities provided employment promotion services to 588.2 thousand unemployed citizens (of which 159.9 thousand are persons under 30 years of age, 229.4 thousand – women).

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