BUSINESS | 13:21 / 22.09.2020
1 min read

Uzbekistan’s international reserves as of September 1 announced

The Central Bank has updated its statistics on gold and foreign exchange reserves of Uzbekistan.

Photo: Getty Images

As of September 1, 2020, Uzbekistan’s official gold and foreign exchange reserves, amounted to $34.6 billion, having decreased by $153 million.

Most of the reserves are stored in the form of gold – $18.8 billion. Foreign currency assets are $15.4 billion. At the same time, there is a decrease in the physical volume of gold and an increase in foreign exchange assets.

In general, since the beginning of the year, gold and foreign exchange reserves have increased by more than $5.4 billion. As of January 1, they amounted to $29.1 billion.

It is noted that Uzbekistan has enough reserves to finance 20 months of imports. This is more than the figure recommended by international organizations.

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