SOCIETY | 12:08 / 09.08.2021
4 min read

Restrictions on activities of cafés and restaurants to be eased starting August 10

From August 10, cafés and restaurants that have fully vaccinated their employees will be able to work even after 20:00.

Фото: KUN.UZ

The Ministry of Health announced in which cases quarantine restrictions will not apply to the activities of catering establishments.

At a regular meeting of the Republican Special Commission, the issue of accelerating the process of vaccination against coronavirus infection in the country was discussed.

The law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population”, adopted on August 2 of this year, established a procedure for preventive vaccination of the population under quarantine for dangerous infectious diseases.

In order to curb the spread of coronavirus infection around the world, vaccination measures against this infection are being strengthened in foreign countries. In particular, in countries such as France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, additional opportunities are being created for enterprises whose employees are fully vaccinated to work under quarantine restrictions.

The issue of easing restrictions on the work of public catering enterprises was discussed at a meeting of the Republican Special Commission, taking into account the requests and appeals of many entrepreneurs for comprehensive business support in the difficult epidemiological situation associated with the pandemic.

In this regard, given that mass vaccination of the population is an important factor in preventing new waves of coronavirus, as well as in order to further support business in the pandemic and further accelerate the vaccination process, the Special Commission decided:

Starting from August 10, 2021:

  • if workers and employees (except for employees with contraindications for health) of catering establishments have a certificate of vaccination with at least 2 doses of coronavirus vaccine (regardless of the type), then such restaurants, cafés, cafeterias and tea houses are not subject to restrictions on work from 08:00 until 20:00 and restrictions on outdoor work only.

It is recommended to let visitors into catering establishments who have a QR code or a certificate of vaccination against coronavirus (except for people with health contraindications).

From October 1, 2021:

  • in the absence of a certificate of vaccination with at least 2 doses of coronavirus vaccine (regardless of the type), workers and employees of business and service entities and individual entrepreneurs (except for persons with health contraindications), their activities will be suspended.

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