SOCIETY | 17:44 / 07.09.2022
2 min read

Uzbekistan to install about 19,000 modern waste containers at social facilities

Photo: State Ecology Committee

In accordance with paragraph 8 of the presidential decree of August 11, 2022 “On additional measures to organize sanitary cleaning and ensure cleanliness in settlements”, a targeted program for additional equipment of social sector facilities with waste containers in 2022-2023 was approved, the press service of the State Ecology Committee reported.

Equipment with waste containers will be financed from additional sources of local budgets and off-budgetary funds of the Ministry of Public Education, Ministry of Preschool Education and Ministry of Health.

Earlier it was announced that the EBRD would allocate two loans to Uzbekistan for the improvement of the waste management system. The financial package consists of a loan of $50 million for modernization of necessary infrastructure in Khorezm region and $70 million for similar purposes in Karakalpakstan.

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