POLITICS | 14:36 / 10.09.2022
2 min read

“Urmonqurilish” enterprise and regional forestry departments to be terminated

The draft of the presidential decree “On systematization of normative legal documents regulating the activities of the State Forestry Committee” was announced. 

In accordance with the document, the main tasks and activities of the State Committee of Forestry have been identified. 

Reportedly, the chairman of the State Forestry Committee has the right to hire qualified foreign experts and pay them wages in national currency or in foreign currency by transferring them to foreign accounts based on agreement with the Cabinet of Ministers.

The State Forestry Committee has the right to receive the necessary information from all interested ministries, agencies, khokims, economic entities and entrepreneurs within the framework of the “Yashil hudud” national project, draw up reports on administrative violations and fine the guilty persons within the limits of the powers established by the law.

The proposals of the State Forestry Committee, the Ministry of Finance and the State Assets Management Agency on the termination of the state unitary enterprise “Urmonqurilish” and regional forestry departments within the system of the State Forestry Committee are approved.

The legal successor to the rights, obligations and contracts of the regional forestry departments and the state unitary enterprise “Urmonqurilish” is the SUE “Yashil hudud” under the system of the State Forestry Committee and its territorial enterprises in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regions.

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