SOCIETY | 13:18 / 02.12.2022
1 min read

Health Ministry updates COVID-19 stats for Dec 1

The number of coronavirus cases is increasing in Uzbekistan.


According to the Ministry of Health, on December 1, 159 people tested positive for coronavirus in the republic.

Reportedly, 64 cases were registered in the city of Tashkent, 7 – in Karakalpakstan, 1 – in Andijan, 10 – in Bukhara, 12 – in Jizzakh, 1 – in Kaskhadarya, 1 – in Navoi, 6 – in Namangan, 12 – in Samarkand, 1 – in Syrdarya, 12 – in Surkhandarya, 3 – in Fergana, 10 – in Khorezm and 19 – in Tashkent region.

Earlier, Nurmat Otabekov, Deputy Head of the Service for Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health, had said that in Uzbekistan, influenza and acute respiratory infections are detected as a mix-infection with coronavirus, especially in people with chronic diseases and those who have not taken vaccines against COVID-19.

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