SOCIETY | 19:27 / 20.01.2023
4 min read

Students comment on abstractness of vacation periods

“I found out that the vacation was extended when I was going to Tashkent”. “They kicked me out of the dormitory because of extreme cold. We don’t know what to do”. reporter visited the student campus in Tashkent and talked with students.

The frequent changes in the duration of the vacation and its late announcement have led to the wandering of students, especially those who study away from home. What do the students themselves say about it? What are the conditions in the dormitories in severe cold? reporter visited the student campus in Tashkent to get answers to such questions.

When we visited several dormitories in the students’ town, we saw that the main problem is the heating system. However, students are being accepted.

For example, 8 students have been admitted to the dormitory #2 of the Faculty of Physics of the National University of Uzbekistan.

“Students who arrived early are placed in dormitories. The rooms are cold. This is why some students are returning,” the faculty tutor said.

Ravshan Omonov, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Journalism of the University, said that mostly female students are accommodated in warm dormitories – only one of the dormitories of the HEI has such an opportunity. It is also the dormitory #1 with its own boiler room for foreign students.

“I found out that the vacation was extended after I left for Tashkent. I live in the dormitory #3, but we were placed in the dormitory #1 because of cold. The rooms here are hot,” one of the female students said.

But not all students can use this opportunity. We also met students who were leaving the dormitory because the rooms were cold or they were not admitted to it.

“I am from Khorezm. I came by train. After I arrived in Tashkent, my teacher called me and said that the vacation has been extended, he advised to go back home. I don’t know what to do. They even kicked me out of the dormitory because it was cold. I’m going to my course leader. “I will try, if I don’t find an opportunity to stay, I will go back home,” one such student said.

Most of the students are unhappy that the holiday extension was not announced earlier.

“We left on Monday, but the news about the extension of the holiday was announced on Tuesday, one day before the start of classes. It’s strange. I came from Kashkadarya. The roads are frozen, it is not easy to travel. Classes will start in a week. They said that the dormitory was cold. I’m staying at my relative’s house now,” another female student said.

“If it had been said earlier, the students would have acted based on their situation. But we are told either a day or an hour before. We are lost now,” a student said.

It is absurd that the determination of vacation periods is taken from the responsible ministries and handed over to local governments.

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