TOURISM | 15:26 / 01.02.2023
1 min read

Uzbekistan simplifies requirements for temporary registration of foreigners

A government decree “On amending the regulation on the procedure for registering foreign citizens and stateless persons at the place of temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved by Resolution No. 593 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 28, 2020 in connection with the improvement of the procedure for registering foreign citizens and stateless persons citizenship” was adopted. 

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The document establishes a single deadline for applying for temporary registration of foreign citizens in the departments of migration and citizenship, accommodation facilities and medical institutions - within 3 days, Norma reports

Also, the requirement to obtain permission from the internal affairs bodies for the temporary registration of foreigners and stateless persons who have violated the rules of stay in the country or committed other offenses is canceled.

From now on, administrations of accommodation facilities and medical institutions, as well as owners of private housing, have the right to accommodate foreigners with notification of internal affairs authorities about violations through the E-mehmon program.

The document entered into force on January 31 of the current year.

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