SOCIETY | 18:53 / 26.05.2023
3 min read

“Rayyona Qutlug” case: One of the swindlers who deceived 200 people for 15 billion was sentenced

A criminal case against one of the managers of “Rayyona Qutlug” LLC, who defrauded hundreds of citizens of large sums of money, was considered in the Chilanzar district court on criminal proceedings. The defendant was sentenced to 9 years in prison and ordered to pay damages. One of his criminal partners fled abroad.

Photo: Tashkent city DIA

In accordance with the verdict issued on May 22, the accused was found to have committed the crime under Paragraph “a”, Article 168-4 (fraud) of the Criminal Code and was sentenced to 9 years in prison. It was reported that the court verdict also indicated compensation for the damages caused to the victims.

The press service of Tashkent city courts informed that the LLC created by fraudsters on January 10, 2022 was advertised in Tashkent with the help of well-known bloggers. They used “the public faith in religious beliefs for their malicious purposes”.

For example, within 40 working days, they promised to sell cars of various models for 2-5 years with an initial payment of 30-50%, with an annual premium of 10%. Or they promised to take housing in Tashkent and the surrounding area from 30 to 50%, with a term of 2-10 years, with an annual premium of 12-13%.

With such attractive promises, the heads of the LLC, who received initial payments of 15 billion soums from more than 200 citizens, transferred the money into their accounts and used it at their own interests.

One of the owners of the organization fled abroad. The case against the rest was separated into separate proceedings, and one of them, as noted above, was sentenced to 9 years in prison.

It should be noted that in August 2022, the Tashkent DIA reported that a criminal case had been opened against officials of “Rayyona Qutlug” LLC.

Initially, it was known that the officials of the company illegally embezzled more than 2 billion soums paid by citizens as an initial payment.

Later, during the preliminary investigation, it was reported that the company signed a contract with customers for the delivery of 310 cars and 52 houses, of which 42 vehicles and 7 were handed over to the owners of the houses.

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