SOCIETY | 18:45 / 01.08.2023
2 min read

“Early pregnancy detected in 6 schoolgirls in Uzbekistan during 6 months” – Ministry

In January-June of this year, early pregnancy was observed in 6 schoolgirls. Most of them happened outside of school, during the summer holidays.

During the first 6 months of 2023 (January-June), 6 cases of early pregnancy were detected in educational institutions in Uzbekistan. Deputy head of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, Azamat Kamolov, announced this at a press conference held on July 31.

According to it, during 6 months of 2023, early pregnancy was detected in 6 schoolgirls studying in 5 regions: Karakalpakstan (1), Kashkadarya (2), Samarkand (1), Syrdarya (1), Surkhandarya (1). According to Kamolov, most of the cases happened outside of school or during summer vacation.

“All this is the situation in families, not in schools. In order to prevent them, many events are held among schoolgirls, where it is possible to prepare them for family life, explain the consequences with health workers.

But when we analyzed, it was found out that in most cases, such cases occur during the summer vacation or out of school. But that doesn’t mean schools don’t have a responsibility. That is why, first of all, in cooperation with parents and class leaders, work on this issue is continuously carried out,” Kamolov said.

It is noted that prevention of early pregnancy and early childbirth in schools is being carried out in cooperation with the Family and Women’s Committee, local neighborhood activists, women’s activists, school psychologists, class leaders, and deputy directors on spiritual and educational affairs.

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