BUSINESS | 17:09 / 02.08.2023
2 min read

Info about residential property cost in different regions of Uzbekistan provided

The highest average price for housing has been observed in Tashkent, the lowest - in Karakalpakstan.


Experts from the Institute for Macroeconomic and Regional Studies (IMRS) analyzed prices for 1 square meter of housing in the context of the regions of Uzbekistan.

IMRS analysts grouped the proposed housing prices for 115 areas on the platform for the second quarter of this year.

The most expensive region in terms of the average cost of housing is Tashkent. In the capital, the price is $1,251 per 1 sq. m. Prices in new buildings for the year increased by 44%, to $1,374, and in the secondary market - by 32%, to $1,143.

The Samarkand region is the next, where the cost of housing is $753 per 1 sq. m. The third and fourth places are occupied by Tashkent ($695) and Navoi regions ($583).

Karakalpakstan is recognized as the cheapest region in terms of average housing price with less than $400 per 1 sq. m. In most regions of Uzbekistan, the average price per square meter does not exceed $500.

In the context of regions and cities, the top line of the rating is occupied by six districts of Tashkent: Mirabad ($1,462 per 1 sq. m), Yakkasaray ($1,374), Shaykhantakhur ($1,369), Mirzo-Ulugbek ($1,304), Chilanzar ($1,229) and Yunusabad ($1,217).

The cheapest housing was recorded in the urban-type settlements of Uchkyzyl in the Surkhandarya region ($222 per square meter), Bagat in the Khorezam region ($224) and Lalmikar in the Jizzakh region ($227).

At the same time, in the vast majority of the 115 selected areas, the average price is less than $600 per 1 sq. m. 

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