SOCIETY | 17:00 / 07.08.2023
1 min read

Uzbekistan improves its position in SDG Index

In the 2023 SDG Index rating, published by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and international experts, Uzbekistan ranked 69th among 166 countries with a score of 71.1.

The country improved its position by eight lines compared to 2022. Last year, Uzbekistan was ranked 77th with a score of 69.9.

According to the 2023 SDG index report, a positive increase in the indicators of the following 10 sustainable development goals was noted in Uzbekistan:

SDG1: No poverty

SDG3: Good health and well-being

SDG4: Quality education

SDG5: Gender equality

SDG6: Clean water and sanitation

SDG9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

SDG11: Sustainable cities and communities

SDG13: Climate action

SDG16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

SDG17: Partnerships for the goals

Among Central Asian countries, Kyrgyzstan was ranked 45th, with a score of 74.41, Kazakhstan – 66th, with a score of 71.65, Tajikistan – 85th, with a score of 69.19 and Turkmenistan – 91st, with a score of 68.47.

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