SOCIETY | 21:21 / 13.09.2023
7 min read

Russian deputy rejects independence of post-Soviet states, Uzbek politicians respond to him

Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov claimed that all 14 republics seceded from the former union allegedly illegally, and Russia would “sooner or later have a conflict or war” with them. Three deputies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis reacted to his claims based on fake and conspiracy theories.

Yevgeny Fyodorov / Photo: TASS

Russian State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov made a false claim that the separation of the post-Soviet states from the USSR was illegal, and predicted that sooner or later a conflict or war would arise between Russia and them.

“From the point of view of scientific theory, sooner or later all the republics that illegally left the Soviet Union will have a conflict or war with Russia. This is a matter of theory. Some are not now: for example, Belarus. Some of them – Georgia, Ukraine – have already gone to war. This applies to Armenia as well,” Fyodorov said.

According to him, Russia can prevent military conflicts through diplomatic dialogue with the former Soviet republics, referring to international law and the laws of the USSR.

“That is, taking into account the international law and the laws of the Soviet Union, we will reach an agreement with them again on their current status. For example, Law No. 14/09, which was violated in 1991,” the Russian deputy said.

Two deputy speakers of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis and the chairman of the “Yuksalish” movement responded to Yevgeny Fyodorov’s statement.

According to Alisher Qodirov, the chairman of the “Milliy Tiklanish” party, such approaches of Russian politicians “will go to the head of Russia”.

“Russia’s idiots, as usual, create a problem, it seems...

Time will tell if we will benefit from this.

We will take measures against the fire and watch it coldly...” Qodirov said.

Another deputy speaker of the parliamentary lower house, Odiljon Tojiyev, described Fyodorov’s statement as “very original”.

“The representative of the people pretended to be a mature specialist in geopolitics and brought up all kinds of “theories” unknown to anyone.

He said that all the republics left the Soviet Union illegally, violating the law No. 14/09. It seems that Fyodorov does not understand that the Constitution is above all laws. However, Article 72 of the USSR Constitution states: “Each union republic retains the right to freely leave the USSR,” Odiljon Tojiev wrote on his page.

As he noted, according to Fyodorov’s logic, during the past 32 years, presidents Yeltsin and Putin, the Russian parliament and government, all institutions of the Russian state power, who worked on behalf of the Russian Federation, had illegal relations with these republics.

“That is, all bilateral (political-diplomatic, economic, military, cultural and other spheres based on sovereign equality) relations and multilateral formats, agreements, contracts (from the CIS to various Shanghai agreements) were illegal. In this case, it is possible to declare with confidence to the whole world that Russian institutions of power operating in such an illegal legal space are inherently illegal.

So, did the honorable deputy indirectly, but subtly, call for the dissolution of all institutions of state power in the Russian state for their illegal relations?

“He’s probably joking,” the politician said.

Bobur Bekmurodov, the deputy of the Legislative Chamber, the chairman of the “Yuksalish” nationwide movement, called the author of the statement from Moscow “another fantasist” and emphasized that his claims are “not a product of common sense”.

“We believe that there is no need to take any serious approach to the words of the Duma deputy who believes that Russia is a colony of foreign powers and promotes conspiracy theories.

Uzbekistan is a country with strong sovereignty and strong statehood.

Moreover, the relations between us and Russia, our allied countries and peoples, are based on friendship and mutual respect.

PS: Recently, Azamat Musagaliyev performed the song “Fantazyor” by Yaroslav Evdokimov in a new arrangement,” Bobur Bekmurodov said.

Yevgeny Fyodorov is a representative of the ruling “Yedinaya Rossiya” party in Russia, a member of the State Duma from 1993 to 1996 and from 2003 until now, and a member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Tax Issues. Fyodorov is also the coordinator of the political association “National Liberation Movement” in Russia. This association has been advocating a return to Russia’s 1945 borders and an investigation into the events leading up to the collapse of the USSR.

It should be recalled that last year, another Russian deputy Konstantin Zatulin made a wrong statement based on the baseless interpretation of the speech of the President of Uzbekistan at the Martyrs’ Memorial Square in the Russian media. Alisher Qodirov and First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of Uzbekistan Sodiq Safoyev responded to him.

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