SOCIETY | 17:15 / 18.09.2023
3 min read

Individuals who illegally used natural gas worth 26.1 billion soums imprisoned in Bukhara

In Bukhara region, the verdict against individuals, who illegally used 26.1 billion soums of natural gas by connecting it to the gas pipeline (belonging to Khududgaztaminot), was announced, the regional prosecutor’s office reports.

It was reported that the Kogon district court on criminal proceedings considered a criminal case against the defendants A.J., J.S., M.K. and A.A. The defendants M.Kh. and A.A. committed crimes of theft of energy resources in collusion with the head of “Dildora” LLC A.J. and the head of “Asia Bukhara Gas” LLC J.S.

In particular, from August 15, 2022, M.Kh. worked as the head of metrology service of Khududgaz Bukhara gas supply branch of Khududgaztaminot JSC, A.A. – as a leading engineer of the metrology service. They, intentionally using their official powers, conspired with the leaders of the society A.J. and J.S.

They did not ensure sealing the door of the room where the gas metering equipment installed at the connection point of a separate natural gas pipeline coming to the public gas filling stations, the stamp of the existing impulse tube on the gas meter equipment was replaced without any documents for the purpose of theft on the gas product pipes. As a result, they embezzled natural gas of Khududgaztaminot JSC worth 26.1 billion soums.

According to the judgment of the Kogon district court on criminal proceedings, A.J. and J.S., who were found guilty of committing crimes under Article 169-4, Paragraph “a” (large amount of theft), Article 209-2, Paragraph “a” (repeated professional fraud), Article 228-2, Paragraphs “a”, “b” (repeatedly preparing, forging, selling or using documents, stamps, seals, blanks by a group of persons in collusion) of the Criminal Code and sentenced to 11 years; also, A.A. and M.Kh. were imprisoned for 9 years.

Also, due to the fact that 6 billion soums were paid by the defendants, the remaining 20.1 billion soums were determined to be recovered from the defendants jointly.

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