SOCIETY | 18:54 / 30.10.2023
2 min read

Mining farm in Fergana embezzles 2.5 billion soums worth of electricity 

In the poultry shop, the citizen has installed mining devices, cooling and lighting devices and other electrical equipment without an electric meter.


During the night raid conducted in the city of Kokand by law enforcement officers and employees of the “Fergana Regional Electricity Networks” SUE, in the poultry shop located in the territory of the “Achchikkul” mahalla of the city, it was found out that the citizen M.N. was illegally using the heating, cooling and lighting devices, as well as other electrical equipment without an electric meter, by connecting them directly to the electric network. An appropriate protocol was drawn up on this case, th press service of the “Territorial Electric Networks” JSC reported.

According to the initial recalculations, citizen M.N. illegally used 2.8 million kW of electricity and caused damage in the amount of 2.5 billion soums to the benefit of the “Fergana Regional Electricity Networks” SUE.

According to the relevant decisions of the president, on the above fact, a 5-fold increasing coefficient was applied to the illegally used mining farms, and documents were issued to collect 12.3 billion soums.

The offender was imposed an additional 9.9 billion soums as a fine with a 5-fold increasing coefficient.

Currently, relevant organizations are investigating this case.

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