SOCIETY | 11:59 / 03.11.2023
2 min read

Uzbekistan supports UN resolution to lift the US embargo on Cuba

187 states voted for the lifting of sanctions against Cuba; the United States and Israel opposed it.

Photo: UN

On November 2, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution for the 31st time calling on the United States to lift economic, commercial and financial sanctions against Cuba.

The document was supported by 187 states, including Uzbekistan. The United States and Israel voted against, Ukraine abstained.

Authors of the resolution condemned the application by Member States of laws and regulations, such as the law adopted in the United States on March 12, 1996, known as the Helms-Burton Act, the extraterritorial consequences of which affect the sovereignty of other states, the legitimate interests of legal entities or individuals subject to their jurisdiction and freedom of trade and navigation. The resolution calls on all states to “refrain from adopting and applying” such measures and laws.

It is noted that the General Assembly has been adopting resolutions calling for the lifting of the blockade for 31 years in a row. In 1992, it was supported by 59 states, in 2017 – 191, in 2022 – 187. In 2016, the United States did not vote “against” for the only time, but abstained. However, Washington then returned to its previous position.

The United States imposed sanctions against Cuba in 1960, when Cuba expropriated the property of American citizens and corporations, and in 1962 the sanctions were tightened to the point of a near-total embargo. According to the Cuban National Institute of Economic Research, between 1962 and 2017, the damage from the embargo amounted to $130 billion.

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