SOCIETY | 17:11 / 03.11.2023
1 min read

Uzbekistan to provide Kyrgyzstan with wagons for cargo transportation  

To develop tourism, a passenger train will be launched from Tashkent to Issyk-Kul.

Photo: Press service of Uzbekistan Railways

Uzbekistan Railways plans to provide Kyrgyzstan with wagons for cargo transportation to Uzbekistan, the press service of the state company reports.

On October 31, representatives of Uzbekistan Railways and Kyrgyz Temir Jolu discussed issues of transporting goods by rail between the countries.

In particular, a seasonal passenger train will be launched on the Tashkent - Balykchy - Tashkent route.

Thus, running a train in the direction of Lake Issyk-Kul will improve passenger connections and help develop the tourism potential of the region.

Moreover, the parties agreed to speed up the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, while noting the strategic importance of the project for transport infrastructure.

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