PGO officially comments on the case of Antistrumin drug
Social network users were urged not to disclose information related to the criminal case until the investigation is completed.

Photo: Social networks
The Prosecutor General’s Office, on the basis of criminal procedural legislation, has launched a preliminary investigation into a criminal case related to the Antistrumin drug.
According to the PGO, although the investigation on this criminal case has not yet been completed, information about the arrest of three women in the criminal case was disseminated on the social networks with different interpretations. It is noted that this information impedes the impartial conduct of the investigation.
The Prosecutor General’s Office noted that, based on the requirements of the Criminal Procedural Code, the law prohibits disclosing personal information and interfering in the investigation.
“Dear representatives of the media and users of social networks, we urge you not to disseminate information about this criminal case on social networks until the investigation is completed,” the report reads.
It is noted that additional information will be provided based on the results of the investigation.
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