BUSINESS | 15:53 / 19.12.2023
2 min read

CB limited operations for another commercial bank in November

The regulator fined four banks and issued warnings to six more institutions.


The Banking Supervision Committee of the Central Bank held seven meetings in November and considered 26 tasks, the regulator’s press service reported.

The main part of the items on the agenda of the meetings, as before, concerned permitting issues. This includes the preparation of amendments to the charters of credit institutions, approval of candidates for bank management, as well as certification of auditors.

The committee also considered 10 issues related to inspections of credit institutions. The Central Bank limited the execution of a number of operations for one bank for failure to comply with instructions and untimely implementation of macroprudential tasks.

Another 4 banks and 2 microfinance organizations received warnings from the regulator. It was about non-compliance with regulatory documents, as well as the untimely provision of the data necessary for monitoring to the Central Bank.

Penalties were applied to four banks that failed to comply with prudential standards. In addition, the Central Bank fined one payment organization for violations.

In October, the regulator limited operations for AVO bank due to insufficient authorized capital. Then 16 commercial banks were fined, and warnings were issued to six institutions.

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