SOCIETY | 15:34 / 26.12.2023
3 min read

Smugglers who tried to transfer $590,000 to Kyrgyzstan arrested 

Individuals from Tashkent city, Andijan and Namangan regions were involved in the trade of counterfeit money.

Photo: Frame from the video

Recently, rapid search activities were conducted by employees of the Namangan Regional SSS Department. As a result, the activity of a criminal group, which was engaged in smuggling a large amount of foreign currency to the Kyrgyz Republic through circuitous routes, was stopped.

In particular, 2 people living in Andijan city received a large amount of foreign currency in Tashkent in May of this year and went to Fergana region to deliver them to their criminal partners.

They were detained in the territory of Yozyovon district of Fergana region when they met with a citizen living in Kuvasoy, who was supposed to transfer these foreign currencies to the Kyrgyz Republic, bypassing customs control.

When the Spark car they were driving was inspected in the presence of appropriatewitnesses, it was found out that there were 4 pieces of black polyethylene bags wrapped in black plastic bags and a total of 590,945 US dollars in the car interior, and it was registered as material evidence.

Also, the rapid action was continued, and a person living in the city of Kuvasoy, who is the leader of the criminal group, was arrested.

In connection with the situation, a criminal case was opened against these citizens by the Investigative Department of the Namangan Regional SSS Department under the Paragraph "a" of Article 25,182 of the Criminal Code, and investigative actions were carried out.

As a result, the Namangan district court on criminal proceedings sentenced 2 of these persons to 5 years, and the other 2 to 5 years and 6 months.

Also, 590,945 US dollars and a Spark car, which were seized as material evidence, were transferred to the state.

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