POLITICS | 13:57 / 16.01.2024
4 min read

Annual formation of household waste in Uzbekistan may reach 16 million tons

According to estimates, the forecast of the annual generation of household waste in Uzbekistan is estimated at 14-14.5 million tons, and taking into account the average population growth rate of 1.5%, this indicator may reach 16-16.7 million tons by 2028, Mokhira Khodjayeva, a member of the Legislative Chamber, said.

Photo: Kun.uz

It is reported that a number of shortcomings and problems remain in the field, which has a negative impact on the effective operation of sanitary cleaning enterprises, sanitary and ecological conditions of settlements.

Existing solid domestic waste landfills do not comply with sanitary requirements and environmental standards, the centralized electronic payment system for services rendered in the field has not been fully implemented, receivables for services rendered in the field are high. As a result of this, the economic status of sanitary cleaning enterprises, which are business entities, has fallen into an unsatisfactory state, there is no perfect control and active incentive mechanisms in the field.

According to the presidential decree “On measures to improve the waste management system and reduce their negative impact on the environmental situation”, competent state bodies were assigned a number of tasks in order to ensure full satisfaction of the population with the quality of services related to household waste, to bring the level of these services to international standards, and to strengthen the control system.

According to the decree, a number of ministries and agencies are assigned additional powers and duties for the prevention of violations in the field. Environmental and internal affairs bodies and the National Guard, business entities that have installed special automated photo and video recording software and technical means of violations of traffic rules on highways in the prescribed manner are given the right to record environmental violations and report them to the State Environmental Control Inspectorate.

In this case, it is determined that business entities will be encouraged with a monetary reward in the amount of 20% of the funds collected as a fine as a result of taking measures to bring them to responsibility.

Residents are given the opportunity to order the Ministry of Ecology and Environmental Protection and Climate Change to install software and technical means of photo and video recording at their own expense in areas that have turned into landfills or where systematic illegal dumping of waste is observed. As a result of taking measures to bring responsibility, it is planned to encourage the persons who placed the order with a monetary reward of 20% of the funds collected as a fine.

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