POLITICS | 18:38 / 19.01.2024
3 min read

Legislative Chamber and Senate empowered to dissolve themselves

The number of members of the Senate is reduced from 100 to 65, and the number of deputy speakers of the Legislative Chamber is reduced from 7 to 2. These and other provisions are expected to be implemented in 2024 when the work of the Oliy Majlis Chambers of the next convocation begins.

Photo: Senat.uz

At the forty-ninth plenary session of the Senate, the senators discussed the law “On amendments and additions to some legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at improving the activities of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the adoption of the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

It is noted that the laws regulating their activities by the Oliy Majlis chambers are being harmonized with the new Constitution. In particular, the parallelism and overlapping powers of the parliamentary chambers are being clarified, the members of the Senate are being reduced from a total of 100 to 65. In this case, it is determined that 4 senators will be elected from each administrative-territorial unit, and 9 will be appointed by the President.

Also, the number of deputy speakers of the Legislative Chamber is being reduced from 7 to 2. It is stipulated that the deputy speaker cannot be a member of the faction and suspends the membership in the political party during the term of office. In addition, the Legislative Chamber and the Senate are empowered to dissolve themselves. In this case, it is assumed that the new election to the Legislative Chamber will be held within 2 months, and the new composition of the Senate will be formed within 1 month.

The law provides that not less than 100,000 citizens, the Senate, the Ombudsman, and the Central Election Commission can submit legislative proposals to the Legislative Chamber, and the parliamentary audit will be conducted by a joint special commission formed on the basis of equality among the deputies of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate members.

These rules, which determine the number of members of the Senate and the names of committees, as well as the number and status of the deputies of the Speaker of the Legislative Chamber, are set to be implemented in 2024 when the work of the Oliy Majlis Chambers of the next convocation begins.

The law was approved by senators.

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