POLITICS | 10:40 / 31.01.2024
2 min read

Pension system changing in Uzbekistan

Now any work that convicts perform while serving their sentences in penal institutions can be classified as length of service, which gives them the right to a pension.

Photo: Senat.uz

At a meeting of the working group of the Senate Committee on Science, Education and Health, a bill was discussed that provided for amendments and additions to certain legislative acts aimed at further strengthening the social protection of citizens.

It is reported that the law introduces amendments to the Law “On rent”, providing for the abolition of the grounds for termination of the lease agreement in the event of the tenant becoming disabled.

Also, a number of changes and additions are being made to the law “On state pension provision of citizens”. In particular, it is provided that any work performed by persons sentenced to imprisonment while serving a sentence in penal institutions, if social tax was paid by the penal institution during the period of this work, is included in the category of length of service when assigning a pension.

Another innovation being introduced into the law is improving the procedure for applying for a pension. The right is provided for citizens to apply for a pension through public service centers of the Ministry of Justice or through the Unified portal of interactive public services of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In addition, it is established that the size of the pension cannot be less than the officially established minimum consumer expenses.

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