SOCIETY | 12:24 / 13.02.2024
3 min read

Civil servants in Navoi, Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions arrested for bribery 

Officials, who demanded money in exchange for solving certain problems, were arrested during operative events carried out by officers of the State Security Service in four regions.

Photo: Frame from the video

SSS officers detained officials who wanted to “solve” issues of citizens in Kashkadarya, Jizzakh, Navoi and Syrdarya regions.

It was reported that the deputy chief engineer of the Kashkadarya branch of JSC “Regional Electric Networks” demanded $7,000 in exchange for connecting 21 water pump wells belonging to the cotton-textile cluster to the electricity grid. In January of this year, he received $3,000. In an operative event held by employees of the Kashkadarya Regional SSS Department in cooperation with the PGO Department, the deputy chief engineer was caught red-handed while receiving the remaining $4,000. Allegedly, this official was previously convicted under Articles 205 and 209 of the Criminal Code.

The chief accountant of “Toza hudud” SUE of Jizzakh region promised to solve the criminal case pending in court against the head of the wholesale trade LLC through his acquaintances in his favor, that is, he demanded $15,000 in exchange for a non-custodial sentence. He was arrested when he received $5,000 in advance. Despite the fact that this person was convicted of a previous fraud-related crime, he committed a repeat crime.

The judge of the permanent arbitration court at the Navoi regional representative office of the Association of Arbitration Courts of Uzbekistan misused his official power: he demanded $1,000 from a resident of Nurota district in return for a positive decision on his appeal regarding the non-payment of 250 sheep sold to buyers from Bukhara. The civil servant was arrested when he received $500 and 6,250,000 soums.

In addition, the chief inspector of the service organization and coordination department under the National Guard of Sirdarya region promised to employ a citizen living in Boyovut district in the security department. He demanded $3,000 in return and received $1,500 in advance. When he received the remaining $1,500 of the requested money, he was detained by officers of the Syrdarya Regional SSS Department and the Gulistan military prosecutor’s office.

Currently, criminal cases have been initiated against these persons under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code. Investigations are underway.

Earlier, in Samarkand, an employee of the National Guard and a lawyer, the head of “Oqdaryotumangaz” department were arrested for bribery, and in Namangan – the court chairman.

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