SOCIETY | 20:01 / 14.02.2024
3 min read

Parents of truant students are being sent warning letters

Parents of children who are absent from school without valid reasons are being sent warning letters, reminding them of their responsibility to ensure their child's education. The Ministry of Preschool and School Education explained the essence of such measures.


On social networks, a sample of the warning letter sent to the parents of students who miss school without valid reasons was circulated. It stated that parental or guardian obstruction to a child's education could lead to fines ranging from 10 to 15 times the base calculated amount (BCA) (3.4 million UZS – 5.1 million UZS) according to Article 47 of the Administrative Responsibility Code, and if the offense is repeated within one year after the administrative penalty is applied, fines could increase from 15 to 25 times the BCA (5.1 million UZS – 8.5 million UZS) or administrative arrest of up to 15 days.

The press secretary of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, Dilfuza Sobirova, confirmed that such warning letters are indeed being sent.

She noted that, following the president's instructions, the inspector-psychologist staff in schools was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the National Guard system. Their main task is to assist school communities in organizing students' education and to work with parents of students who are regularly absent from classes.

"For this purpose, 'Warning Letters' are being sent promptly to the addresses of students who are regularly (three or more school days) absent from classes without a valid reason. The letters explain to the parents or their guardians the content and essence of Article 47 of the Administrative Responsibility Code of Uzbekistan... The intended goal is to increase the responsibility and accountability of family members for students who do not participate in classes," the statement explained.

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