SOCIETY | 09:50 / 21.02.2024
4 min read

More than 12,000 parents fined for being irresponsible in their child's education in 2023

More than 14,000 out of 6 million students were found to be absent from school. More than 9 thousand of them were returned to education. Studies are being conducted for 5,000 students.


In Uzbekistan, due to the fact that some parents take their children abroad or leave them unsupervised, there is a group of students who do not attend school regularly. Azamat Kamolov, head of the department of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, informed about this.

"General secondary education is compulsory education in Uzbekistan. When we conducted studies on students who are regularly absent from school, we found out that some parents took their children abroad for various reasons, such as "a three-day trip", "we are going for treatment". As a result, the child is regularly absent from school... There are also parents who make their child work instead of going to school during class. It is also revealed that there are students who spend time in Internet cafes or other entertainment places, telling their family that they are going to school because their parents do not control them," he said.

The representative of the Ministry answered the question about the students who are not satisfied with the quality of education, who go to a tutor instead of to school, or who do not participate in classes due to the coldness of the classrooms and the bad condition of the roads, as follows:

"Mainly, 10-11th grade students go to the tutor to learn foreign languages ​​or to prepare for the entrance exams to higher education institutions. It is true that the regular attendance of students at school and good attendance also depend on the quality and attractiveness of education. Today, efforts are being made to improve the quality of education. English classes are also held in schools. But the student takes the funds from his parents and goes to the educational center and studies more. Last year, 500 foreign language specialists were brought in to solve such problems. They are teaching foreign languages ​​in different schools across the Republic, all of them have their place of residence and salary paid by the state. From the 2024-2025 academic year, another 1,500 qualified specialists will be brought from abroad to teach foreign languages. This prevents students from going to study centers. State schools have created equal conditions for general secondary education. Some social problems will certainly be solved with the help of local governments. If the student does not come to class because of these issues, it will be taken into account," the head of the department said.

According to Azamat Kamolov, more than 14,000 out of 6 million students are not coming to class regularly. More than 9 thousand of them were returned to education. Studies are being conducted for 5,000 students.

He informed that in 2023, more than 12,000 parents who were irresponsible in the upbringing of their children were prosecuted under Article 47-1 of the Administrative Responsibility Code (Failure to fulfill obligations to raise and educate children).

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