POLITICS | 14:54 / 09.03.2024
10 min read

MFA clarifies whether Uzbeks can acquire a second citizenship 

Many Uzbek citizens living abroad have a second citizenship, but often hide it for various reasons. We will tell you whether it is allowed in Uzbekistan, whether it is necessary to notify Uzbek government agencies about it, and how to restore citizenship if you decide to return to your homeland.

Photo: pasporta.org

Dual citizenship means that a person has two passports from different countries that have corresponding agreements. A person with dual citizenship retains full rights and responsibilities in both countries. For example, there is such an agreement between Russia and Tajikistan. This practice does not exist in Uzbekistan and is prohibited by law.

Second citizenship means that a person has a passport from another country, but each state considers him to be its citizen. That is, this is not prohibited, but we do not recognize a passport of another country; you will only be considered a citizen of Uzbekistan.

Owning a second citizenship is not formally prohibited in the republic. Deputy Head of the MIA Main Directorate for Migration and Registration of Citizenship Dilshodbek Murodbekov spoke about this in 2021. But according to Article 22 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan, a single citizenship is established for the entire territory of the republic. Also, Article 12 of the Law “On citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” states that in Uzbekistan “belonging of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the citizenship of a foreign state is not recognized”.

That is, a citizen of Uzbekistan who simultaneously has citizenship of both Uzbekistan and another state cannot evade fulfillment of duties or be released from responsibility if he has not formalized a renunciation of citizenship, which is personally signed by the president of the country.

Obtaining a second citizenship may become a reason for losing citizenship of Uzbekistan. Roughly speaking, you can be evicted from the country, deprived of citizenship, since you are already a citizen of another state. And you won’t be able to influence it in any way.

“If employees of the internal affairs bodies find out that a person has citizenship of another state or has a foreign passport, this does not mean that he will automatically be excluded from the citizenship of Uzbekistan,” Dilshodbek Murodbekov, deputy head of the MIA main department for migration and registration of citizenship, said.

First, the authorities are required to verify the information that you have indeed received a second citizenship. After confirming the data, you will be warned that if you do not renounce foreign citizenship on time, you may be deprived of Uzbekistan citizenship. You must then sign an acknowledgment receipt. They will also explain to you in detail the provisions of the legislation on citizenship and the consequences of failure to renounce the citizenship of another country.

“If a citizen of Uzbekistan still does not want to renounce the citizenship of a foreign state, then his citizenship of Uzbekistan is terminated on the basis of a decree of the President of Uzbekistan. The legislation of Uzbekistan does not provide for administrative and criminal liability for persons who have acquired the citizenship of a foreign state and have not renounced the citizenship of Uzbekistan in accordance with the procedure established by law,” Dilshodbek Murodbekov concluded.

Authorities and consulates cannot independently deprive a person of citizenship. This is within the powers of the president, who issues a decree on the basis of relevant documents. For some time, before the announcement of the loss of citizenship of Uzbekistan, you will be a citizen of two states at the same time. Often the process of renouncing citizenship is delayed. In any case, you cannot be held liable in any way in Uzbekistan.

The list of persons deprived of citizenship is posted on the government website. After this, it becomes possible to issue a certificate of loss of citizenship of Uzbekistan. Then you need to submit your Uzbek passport to the embassy or consulate of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A person who has acquired citizenship of a foreign state is obliged to report this fact within 30 days to the Department of Internal Affairs, the embassy or consulate of Uzbekistan in the host country. Otherwise, you may be held accountable.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to find out what specific punishment is provided for failure to notify the editorial office of UzNews.uz about obtaining a second citizenship. The responsible persons could not give us a clear answer.

What to do if I want to return to Uzbekistan

If the decision to deprive you of Uzbek citizenship has not yet been made, you can only cross the border with a valid Uzbek passport.

If you come to Uzbekistan using a foreign passport of a second country, you must have with you a document confirming the loss of citizenship of Uzbekistan (if you already have one).

If you change your mind about having a passport of another country and want to become a citizen of Uzbekistan again, then in accordance with Article 22 of the Law “On citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” you can do this, but only if it has not been lost in accordance with one of the two points listed below in Article 25 “Grounds for loss of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of the same law.

Point “A” – a person’s entry into military service, service in security agencies, law enforcement agencies, government bodies and administration of a foreign state.

Point “D” – a person has caused significant harm to the interests of society and the state by engaging in activities in favor of a foreign state, or by committing crimes against peace and security.

If the loss of citizenship was due to one of these two points, you are not eligible to apply for restoration of citizenship.

Registration of documents on an application for restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out in the manner established by Articles 19, 37 and 38 of this law. The petition must indicate the reasons for termination of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Citizenship can only be restored once.

How to apply for renunciation of citizenship

To formalize the renunciation of Uzbek citizenship, the applicant’s personal appearance at the consular section of the embassy is required.

List of necessary materials for renunciation of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan (all documents must be submitted in 2 copies):

1) application for renunciation of citizenship addressed to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (see sample);
2) application form (see sample);
3) autobiography (see sample);
4) color photograph 45x55 mm (4 pcs.);
5) original biometric passport of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan (also copies of all pages of the passport);
6) original passport of a foreign country (also a copy of the page containing the installation data and photo of the owner);
6) notarized consent of the spouse to the applicant’s renunciation of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
7) a copy of the marriage certificate (if married);
8) a copy of the child’s birth certificate (if there are minor children).

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