SOCIETY | 08:39 / 19.03.2024
2 min read

Cambridge hosts an online seminar on reforms in Uzbekistan

A seminar was held at the University of Cambridge in the UK on the topic “The importance of international cooperation in carrying out reforms in Uzbekistan”.

The director of the Development Strategy Center of Uzbekistan, Eldor Tulyakov, spoke at the event. The event was held in a hybrid format with the participation of 30 representatives of scientific and academic circles specialized in Central Asian issues.

The meeting was dedicated to discussing socio-economic reforms in Uzbekistan, as well as the importance of international cooperation in this area.

Eldor Tulyakov spoke in detail about new legislative acts adopted in Uzbekistan aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, especially youth, women and socially vulnerable segments of the population. He also shared information on the development of civil society institutions and the media as evidence of Uzbekistan’s commitment to building a democratic society and strengthening the rule of law.

Particular attention was paid to the measures taken to combat corruption and create the necessary conditions for foreign investors. The importance of constructive interaction with international partners for the further successful implementation of reforms in Uzbekistan was emphasized.

Issues related to regional cooperation in Central Asia, which received a new impetus thanks to the balanced and pragmatic foreign policy of Uzbekistan, were also raised.

The meeting was informative and made it possible to provide British academic circles with detailed information about the current political situation and the development strategy of New Uzbekistan.

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