SOCIETY | 15:43 / 11.04.2024
1 min read

Significant rise in emergency medical assistance calls observed nationwide

The Head of the Republican Emergency Medical Center disclosed the most common situations in which citizens sought emergency medical assistance.

From January to March of the current year, the emergency medical service received 3,111,148 calls, the Director of the Republican Center of Emergency Medical Assistance, Abduvohidjon Gafurov, said.

The majority of the calls, amounting to 2,205,296, were related to urgent situations. Calls concerning the exacerbation of chronic diseases accounted for 812,247, while 19,114 calls were related to childbirth.

Most emergency service calls were made in the following regions:

- Tashkent city – 330,919;
- Fergana region – 326,436;
- Andijan region – 300,279;
- Tashkent region – 289,533;
- Namangan region – 271,791.

The fewest calls to the emergency service were observed in the Navoi (90,434), Syrdarya (107,180), Jizzakh (116,878), and Bukhara regions (150,852), and the Republic of Karakalpakstan (156,015).

Comparatively, during the same period in 2023, the emergency medical service received 3,090,313 calls.

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