SOCIETY | 11:39 / 02.05.2024
2 min read

Auction held in Dubai, its proceeds to be used to purchase medicines for children suffering from severe forms of cancer in Uzbekistan

Employees of the Consulate General of Uzbekistan in Dubai took part in the presentation of the book “100 non-random meetings on the way to the top” (“Yuksaklik sari tasodif bo‘lmagan 100 ta uchrashuv”) by the famous blogger Otabek Makhkamov.

Photo: Dunyo news agency

Otabek Makhkamov is the host of the popular “Orient Express” program on a New York radio station. He lives in the USA and is engaged in blogging.

Our compatriots-students living and studying in the United Arab Emirates took part in the presentation. Uzbek diplomats told participants about the positive changes taking place in the political, economic, social and cultural life of our country, the large-scale reforms being carried out, the protection of the rights of our compatriots abroad, support for their family members, and attention to the education of youth.

Talking about the experience accumulated in foreign countries, Otabek Makhkamov noted that he will contribute to constantly informing the international community about the reforms that are rapidly being carried out in all areas, strengthening ties between Uzbek diplomats and famous UAE bloggers, as well as organizing their creative trips to our country.

As part of the presentation, a charity auction was held, the proceeds from which are intended to purchase medicines for children suffering from severe forms of cancer in Uzbekistan.

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