POLITICS | 15:39 / 03.05.2024
3 min read

Uzbekistan takes steps with Turkmenistan for improved water efficiency in Amu Darya

Uzbekistan's water management facilities in Turkmenistan will undergo inspections and the acceleration of projects such as "anti-filtration walls" at the Sultansanjаr dam of the Tuyamuyun hydro-complex is planned.

Photo: UzA

The fourth meeting of the Uzbek-Turkmen intergovernmental commission on water management issues took place in the city of Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan.

The event was chaired by Shukhrat Ganiev, advisor to the President of Uzbekistan, and Tangriqul Atakhaliev, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan on agro-industrial complex issues.

The parties discussed the implementation of the agreements reached at the third meeting of the Uzbek-Turkmen intergovernmental commission on water management issues.

An agreement was made to conduct an inspection of Uzbekistan's water management facilities located in Turkmenistan and to accelerate projects such as "anti-filtration walls" at the Sultansanjаr dam of the Tuyamuyun hydro-complex.

Throughout the hydrological year from April 1, 2023, to March 30, 2024, the water level of the Amu Darya was analyzed, and further actions to provide water to the economic sectors of the countries were reviewed.

The commission emphasized the importance of implementing an automated system for accounting for water in the Amu Darya.

The parties confirmed their readiness to jointly implement projects to introduce an automated system for water accounting at hydroposts and restore hydroposts through the involvement of grant funds from international financial institutions.

Attention was also given to strengthening the banks of the Amu Darya, leveling the canals, reducing water resource losses, and ensuring the unrestricted passage of water.

Additionally, an online meeting was held between the State Water Management Scientific-Production Institute of Turkmenistan, the "Turmensuv Ylym Taslama" project institute of the Turkmenistan State Committee for Water Management, and the Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems under the Ministry of Water Management of Uzbekistan.

At the meeting, the parties exchanged experiences on measures to prevent floods and strengthen banks. Relevant proposals were made concerning actions to prevent potentially hazardous situations along the Amu Darya. Specialists from the two countries' institutes agreed to work out specific issues by the next meeting.

After the meeting, an appropriate protocol was signed. It was agreed that the fifth meeting of the Uzbek-Turkmen Intergovernmental Commission on water management issues would be held in Uzbekistan.

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