SOCIETY | 13:41 / 31.05.2024
1 min read

“Courier” detained near Tashkent with synthetic drugs worth 4.8 billion soums

A man was detained in the Tashkent region for bringing synthetic drugs worth almost 5 billion soums.

Photo: Frame from the video

According to the Tashkent regional DIA, a 33-year-old man was detained in the Bostanlyk district. During the inspection, law enforcement officers found a gearbox with 6 kg of synthetic drugs worth 4.8 billion soums.

During an inspection of the detainee’s home, the necessary equipment for processing drug packaging was discovered. According to preliminary data, the drugs were delivered from Kyrgyzstan.

A criminal case has been initiated under Article 273 of the Criminal Code (illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage and other actions with narcotic drugs, their analogues or psychotropic substances for the purpose of sale).

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