SOCIETY | 15:16 / 21.06.2024
2 min read

Consumers who install energy-saving devices to receive 15% discount on current tariff for 3 years

By a government decree, the rules for the use of electricity and natural gas were approved in a new edition. Consumers who install energy-saving devices will be encouraged.


By a government decree, the rules for the use of electricity and natural gas were approved in a new edition. Under the new rules, consumers who install energy-saving devices will be encouraged.

According to the resolution, consumers will receive a 15% discount from the current tariff for 3 years for installing energy-saving devices.

The new version of the rules creates a number of advantages for consumers and business entities.

Specifically, under the Electricity and Natural Gas Decision Rules, consumers will be given a 15 percent discount from the current tariff for 3 years on the amount of electricity saved by replacing existing old electrical appliances with new energy-efficient devices.


•  after consumers submit a program providing for a schedule for replacing electrical appliances and the savings achieved as a result, Uzenergoinspeksiya will check the validity period of this program within 10 days and agree on the result or refuse to agree with the justification;
•  the amount of electricity saved as a result of the work carried out on the basis of the approved program will be studied by energy auditors and given an opinion;
•  the energy audit conclusion will be transferred to Uzenergoinspeksiya and the regional power supply company, and discounts will be applied from the day the positive conclusion is presented.

It was previously reported that enterprises that consume a lot of energy will undergo an energy audit every 3 years.

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