SOCIETY | 13:02 / 08.07.2024
2 min read

Deputy proposes severe penalties to curb dangerous driving behaviors

Shahnoza Kholmakhmatova, a member of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, stated the need for strict measures against speeding.

According to the deputy, there should be no hesitation in revoking the driver's license for three years for exceeding the speed limit set by law by more than 40 kilometers per hour.

She emphasized that the purpose of these measures is due to the increasing number of people driving at high speeds and posting it on their social media pages, which is encouraging others to break the rules. This has been leading to tragic accidents and the deaths of innocent people.

"None of us can remain indifferent to the fact that young children are among the victims in such accidents," she said.

According to statistical data, last year in Uzbekistan, 9,839 traffic accidents occurred, resulting in 9,209 injuries and 2,282 deaths. These incidents are mainly caused by speeding and not following traffic rules.

"I believe it is necessary to take strict measures to prevent such negative behaviors," the deputy noted.

Therefore, I propose that we revoke the driver's license for three years without hesitation for exceeding the speed limit set by law by more than 40 kilometers per hour.

"In other words, if the speed limit in the city is set at 60, drivers who drive at 100 should be deprived of their right to drive," writes Kholmakhmatova.

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