SOCIETY | 17:08 / 17.08.2024
4 min read

Minister of Culture responds to criticism regarding state funding for "Ovoz" music show

The Minister of Culture Ozodbek Nazarbekov explained that this project is necessary for the image of Uzbekistan and for showcasing talent. "If this is the top musical show in 76 countries around the world, and you keep criticizing the 2 billion UZS allocated for it, then I'll sell my house and pay that money myself," he said.

On August 16, Minister of Culture Ozodbek Nazarbekov addressed the criticisms regarding the budgetary funds spent on the "Ovoz" project during a press conference held at the AIMC.

"Understand this, the "Ovoz" project today serves Uzbekistan's image. If spending 2 billion [on this project] is a crime, I am willing to accept that. This is the top musical show in 76 countries around the world, and if you keep criticizing the 2 billion UZS allocated for it, then I'll sell my house and pay that money myself.

Does this large project serve Uzbekistan's prestige or not? Let's first discuss that. The introduction of this project in Uzbekistan has opened the eyes of all of Central Asia. They're all calling me, asking, 'When can we participate?' Isn't this something we need for the image of our country? A single athlete is doing the same thing, going out and raising our image. This project is similar, further promoting Uzbekistan. It instantly showcases Uzbekistan's talents on an international stage. They're being seen in 76 countries, gaining attention in all those places. People are searching for Uzbekistan on the map — that's what matters to me.

Thanks to this show, participants from Cuba and other countries are coming to us and taking part. Believe me, this contributes to revealing talents and improving our republic's image. That's all it does; nothing else. If you think we don't need this, then I don't know what to say," the minister said.

For reference, on April 2, 2024, a contract worth 2 billion UZS was signed between "Talent Show" LLC and the Ministry of Culture.

According to the contract, the ministry will pay the organizers of the "Ovoz" project royalties over six months. Specifically, 684 million UZS will be allocated for three mentors at 38 million UZS per month, 342 million UZS for one artistic director at 57 million UZS per month, 228 million UZS for one music director at 38 million UZS per month, and 522 million UZS for six musicians at 14.5 million UZS per month.

The allocation of 2 billion UZS from the state budget by the Ministry of Culture for the "Ovoz" project was met with widespread public disapproval and continues to be criticized.

For reference, the "Ovoz" music project is the official franchise of "The Voice," for which Uzbekistan has acquired the broadcasting rights. The project was initially created by producer John de Mol and premiered on Dutch television in 2010.

Subsequently, the franchise has been purchased by many countries around the world, including the USA, Germany, the UK, China, Russia, France, Canada, Belgium, Turkey, Australia, Portugal, Brazil, Thailand, Poland, and Spain, and broadcast on private television channels.

It should be noted that in other countries, no government budget is allocated for this project; instead, television channels purchase it as a business project.

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