Antimonopoly Committee launches investigation into Urgench State University for violations in 30 billion UZS procurement
Urgench State University has faced legal action due to violations in state procurement regulations involving a project with an initial cost of nearly 30 billion UZS.

The Khorezm regional office of the Antimonopoly Committee conducted an investigation based on instructions from the regional prosecutor’s office, uncovering the irregularities.
The university had classified a project for the construction of a seven-story, 600-bed student dormitory as belonging to the second hazard category in its application submitted to the Khorezm Regional Consulting Center for Construction Tenders.
However, according to a 2020 resolution by the Cabinet of Ministers (No. 496), buildings of up to nine floors for higher educational institutions should be classified under the third category and placed in the "Transparent Construction" national information system.
Urgench State University’s decision to classify the project as second-category restricted other construction organizations from participating in the tender.
In response to this violation, the regional office's Special Commission opened a case against the university for breaching Article 29 of the Law on Competition. Relevant information regarding the administrative liability of the responsible individuals has been forwarded to the judiciary for further action.
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