POLITICS | 10:14 / 04.02.2025
5 min read

All government agencies’ official websites to be transferred to a single domain

Starting March 1, 2025, all government bodies and organizations in Uzbekistan will sign agreements with UzINFOCOM to exclusively manage their official websites and portals through the government portal, gov.uz. Ministries and agencies will also be required to coordinate with the Prime Minister's press service before publishing information about government activities and events. 

This change follows the adoption of a government resolution on January 31, 2025, titled “Measures to Further Improve the Operation of Official Websites of State Bodies and Organizations.” The resolution ensures that all official government websites and portals will be maintained through the centralized platform, ensuring up-to-date and secure information.

UzINFOCOM, as the sole integrator, will enter into agreements with organizations transferring their websites to the Unified Platform and will provide technical support and services. The costs will be covered by the respective government organizations’ extrabudgetary funds, budget funds, and other sources not prohibited by law. According to the resolution, any revenue from these services will be used to enhance the Unified Platform, provide technical support, and ensure information security.

Once a government organization, ministry, or agency's official website is transferred to the Unified Platform, the old domain addresses and content will be preserved. Within one week, they will either redirect to the new official websites on the Unified Platform or cease operations. For example, the Ministry of Justice’s website, adliya.uz, will be changed to https://gov.uz/adliya.

According to the resolution, the Cybersecurity Center under the State Security Service, in collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Technologies, will regularly conduct audits every six months to ensure that the Unified Platform meets cybersecurity standards and will continuously monitor its cybersecurity measures. UzINFOCOM will place the Unified Platform at the data center of the "Digital Government Project Management Center" state institution within one month and ensure that a backup copy of the platform is made to meet information security standards.

The regulation attached to the resolution also specifies the procedure for submitting information to be posted on the government portal by state bodies. According to this, UzINFOCOM is responsible for managing the government portal, and state bodies must submit the required information to the portal's information services within the deadlines established by their internal documents.

Key provisions include:

- Information approved by the Cabinet of Ministers will be posted on the Unified Platform;

- Information submitted for posting must be relevant, accurate, complete, clear, and organized into appropriate topic blocks;

- The posted information must not contain state, military, or service secrets, nor any other information restricted by law;

- Information for posting must be submitted in both Uzbek and Karakalpak languages, with the option of providing translations or summaries in other languages;

- Information about government-related events will only be posted on the official website after coordination with the Prime Minister's press service.

According to the resolution, the procedure for submitting information to the gov.uz portal is as follows: Initially, the information service of the government body or its structural and regional divisions will collect and compile the information. This will then be agreed upon with the head of the government body and submitted to the Unified Platform operator.

The Unified Platform operator will compile the information and submit it to the Prime Minister's press service for approval based on relevance. The press service will provide feedback within one working day. Once approved, the Unified Platform operator will post the information on the appropriate sections of the platform.

The Ministry of Digital Technologies has stated that many ministries and agencies have already transferred their official websites to the Unified Platform. However, their social media pages and messenger accounts will remain under the control of their respective press services.

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