SOCIETY | 19:00 / 14.03.2020
2 min read

UEFA may help Uzbekistan in organizing matches with European teams 

Under the UEFA Assist program, the delegation of UEFA led by the head of the International Relations Department, Eva Pasquier, was acquainted with the work of the Uzbekistan Football Association. 

Photo: KUN.UZ

During the visit, guests met with the management of UFA, representatives of Uzbekistan Professional Football League and Super League clubs. UEFA experts thoroughly study the activities of the UFA and PFL in all areas. 

On March 13, to summarize the visit, sides held a press conference. 

“Last time, I came to Uzbekistan 14 years ago, and today I see positive changes. We can help the national team of Uzbekistan in organizing friendly matches with European teams. For example, in the League of Nations there are three teams in a group. Apparently, in each round one team will be free to play. In addition, Uzbekistan can also participate in other international competitions,” said Pasquier. 
She also highlighted some shortcomings of Uzbek football. 

“The main drawback is the low salary of coaches in children’s football. Therefore, high-quality youth trainers are very few. Children want to get into adult football faster and earn big money. It is necessary to upgrade the qualifications of youth trainers and pay more attention to their salaries," she added.

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