SPORT | 13:24 / 04.11.2023
3 min read

President signs a decree on development of football in Uzbekistan 

The document provides benefits for football players who have completed their careers, the formation of futsal teams, the creation of a unified electronic register of stadiums and football fields of the republic, a separate TV channel, and more.

Photo: UFA

A presidential decree “On measures to expand the network of football educational institutions and develop football infrastructure in accordance with international standards” was adopted, the Ministry of Justice reports.

According to the document, the following will be created in the system of the Football Association of Uzbekistan:

-  National Football Center;
-  Football national team training center on the basis of the Republican School of Higher Sports Excellence;
-  Center for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation.

The Center for Training Football Specialists was renamed the Center for Training and Scientific Research of Football Specialists, and the Republican Youth Football Academy was renamed the Republican Football Academy.

The Center for Training and Research of Football Specialists will provide training in such specialties as “football coach”, “football referee”, “football analyst”, “football breeder” (scout), “sports psychologist”, “football manager”, “football marketer".

In addition, a special football TV channel will be created by June 1, 2024.

It is also provided that from January 1, 2025, coaches of regional football academies, schools and other state football educational institutions will be appointed to positions after receiving the necessary licenses from the Center for Training and Scientific Research of Football Specialists.

Futsal teams will be organized in the regions, including the activities of the main, youth and women’s futsal teams at professional football clubs.

By March 1, 2024, a unified electronic register of all stadiums and football fields in the republic will be developed.

From January 1, 2024, players and specialists who have completed their careers in professional football, based on a positive conclusion from the UFA, will be allocated preferential loans in the amount of up to 1.5 billion soums for a period of at least 5 years.

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