SOCIETY | 11:49 / 18.01.2024
2 min read

Regions with fastest growing population announced

The population of Tashkent city, Surkhandarya, Namangan and Kashkadarya regions is growing rapidly.


As of January 1, 2024, the permanent population of Uzbekistan was about 36.8 million people.

According to the preliminary data of the Agency of Statistics, this indicator has increased by 2.2% compared to the same period of 2023.

The city of Tashkent is the leader in the growth of the permanent population in terms of regions – 2.9%.

Surkhandarya and Namangan regions took the next places, with permanent population growth of 2.5% and 2.3%, respectively.

This indicator appeared as follows in the section of the rest of the regions:

•  Samarkand region – 2.2%;
•  Andijan region – 2.2%;
•  Jizzakh region – 2.2%;
•  Kashkadarya region – 2.2%;
•  Fergana region – 2.1%;
•  Navoi region – 1.9%;
•  Syrdarya region – 1.9%;
•  Tashkent region – 1.9%;
•  Khorezm region – 1.9%;
•  Bukhara region – 1.7%;
•  the Republic of Karakalpakstan – 1.3%.

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