SOCIETY | 18:10 / 01.02.2024
3 min read

Poverty level in Uzbekistan fell to 11%

It was announced that the poverty level in Uzbekistan decreased from 14% to 11% during 2023. That is, last year one out of every ten Uzbeks earned less than 568,000 soums per month. Earlier, it was known that in 2023, the growth of real income per capita slowed down by 3 times.


The Center for Economic Research and Reforms and the Statistics Agency have analyzed the level of poverty in Uzbekistan for 2023.

According to the observations of 16,000 households conducted by the Agency, the poverty level in the country decreased by 3.1% during 2023 and reached 11.0% at the end of the year.

“The process was checked by experts of the World Bank,” the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment informed.

“Poverty reduction was noted in all regions. It significantly decreased in Syrdarya (from 19.5% to 13.8%), Andijan (from 17.4% to 11.9%) regions and Karakalpakstan (from 19.9% to 13.7%).

Minimal changes were detected in Tashkent city (from 8.5% to 7.9%) and Bukhara (from 11.9% to 11.8%), Kashkadarya (from 12.7% to 11.5%) regions,” the ministry said. Indicators for the rest of the regions are not given.

It should be noted that the draft of the 2024 state program, which was put up for public discussion yesterday, envisages “reducing the poverty level from 12% to 10%” this year.

From the draft of the 2024 state program, which was put up for public discussion on January 30.

For information, last year the official poverty line was 498,000 soums per month in the first half of the year, and 568,000 soums in the second half. In January 2024, this limit was set at 621,000 soums.

Earlier, in the annual report of the Statistics Agency on population incomes, it became known that the growth of real per capita incomes slowed down last year. This indicator, which was 7.3% in 2022, decreased to 2.4% in 2023. In particular, real income per capita in Khorezm region decreased by 6.4%. Real incomes per capita also decreased in Namangan, Bukhara, Samarkand and Surkhandarya regions.

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